Love may indeed be a thing of the heart, but when it comes to adding skin color to the picture, many people would immediately flinch. We live in the twenty-first century where no one would want to be labelled a racist, and the fight against racial discrimination seems to have been won. However, the idea of interracial romance for singles dating someone from another race still seems to carry a lot of controversy around it. Interracial hookups, especially black and white, prompts stares, insults, and may as well be one of the challenges faced by interracial couples. It is true that there is strong reputation that precedes people from a particular race. For example, according to statistics, a black man is more likely to end up in jail than a white man is. Call it criminal tendencies, but that does not mean that every black man will end up in jail. In reality, many black man have gone ahead to carve a niche or reputation in their respective fields. The stereotypic views that many hold against people from other races are sometimes from personal experience than malicious intent. A woman whose child was killed by a Hispanic mob boss may never allow any other child of hers to initiate a romantic interracial relationship with the Hispanics.
However bad the experience is, it doesn’t stop there. Many interracial couples are forced to keep their love in dark for fear of being criticized. In a country like United States, the socio-cultural history of enslavement even makes it a lot awkward for black-white couples. A white man would be scared of being found around a black man. The stigma hangs around their relationship, and may have a long-term impact. The decision is simpler for men than women. In the black community, a black woman is naturally expected to date a black man, and are called ‘names’ when they do otherwise. They are frustrated to an extent that many would think skin color should obviate their choice for finding happiness in the arms of a white man. However, when a black man dates a white woman, he is considered a hero. They think it is a sort of achievement.
Due to cultural and tradition differences, interracial couples are often of varying perspectives and philosophies, yet many of them may have grown beyond those differences. In fact, it has helped a lot to get a much broader perspective of life.
Another argument is regarding the future of the kids. The kids have to live with the decision of their parents forever. For example, the same family could consist of white and black kids, presenting one with a different advantage and company than the other.
Compatibility and love shared is the key here. The character of a man goes beyond his skin color and deep down into the heart No matter what restraints may surround interracial dating, when conditions are right, the heart will catch the fire. Our willingness to overlook racial differences and color. No one likes to be discriminated, and whatever choices people make – including interracial romance – it should be allowed to stick.
Read also:
Huffingtonpost: Is Interracial Romance Still Scandalous?
NY Times: Is Interracial Marriage Still Scandalous?